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We find and select the most ambitious engineers, developers and creatives so we can build high growth startups together. Over the years, team members have left companies like Dell and Sikorsky to join our small company. Why? Because building a brand and growing a startup is one of the most rewarding, fun, and significant things you can do with your life.


A Home Away From Home

We spend much of our life at so it needs to be a place that you enjoy. We’re fortunate to have a cool loft space that was converted from a late 1800’s turkey processing plant. Every team member has about 400 square feet of space with an electric sit to stand desk. No cubes! Gone are the days of being glued to your desk. Some of our best ideas and thoughts have come from a chat in the loft or a stroll to the nearby coffee shop. We’re one block off the town square that was voted best in Texas.

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3d printer

A new career awaits. If your mission is to improve the way the world works, then let’s talk.

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Not Employees.

We think of team members as allies. A mutually beneficial relationship between independent players. The alliance provides the framework needed for the trust and investment to build trust, powerful businesses and careers.

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office interior
photo shoot